Yesterday we went to Chinese garden with Hubby, Lleroy, Mommy, Jie jie, BIL, Ethyl & of cos her fat fat jiujiu. It seems like this is the first time I went to CG so is Hubby! :) And the blur me bring a camera out without battery hahaha... before we went out Hubby still asked me if there's battery for the camera and I answered him loudly "YES!" Hahaha... After we went out to Chinatown to buy lantern for the kids I wanted to test it... after taking 2 photos in the car while waiting for Hubby I saw the low batt sign is out and I know Hubby will sure scold me~ No choice no batt I also cant do anything since it is too late to charge. Never mind this is not the first time for me to be blur too. There is a fireworks at 8.30pm but we missed it coz Sis and mum is not here yet therefore we waited outside the tickets booth for me to reach. It is so stuffy and warm... Lleroy is tired so he is abit cranky too we went home at 10pm and slept about 12midnight.
Today I bring Lleroy out to my friend, Junhua, wedding lunch. Before I change for him I told him "Later Mummy bring you out, you must behave well coz Daddy is not going with us as he is working today." He is quite well behave today overall just that he is tired so he is abit cranky again!!!?? This is the first time I went for a wedding in the afternoon. after the function I told my friends that later don't know still want to take dinner anot? Coz the timing is not correct we finish the whole lunch about 3.45pm. Actually I wanted to take a cab back but my ex-manager said he want to drive me back coz he saw mi carrying a baby quite inconvenience. After reaching home I change Lleroy up into light clothing and let him sleep and I remove my makeup and bath. I am on leave tomorrow maybe I will bring Lleroy out to Pioneer Mall giant to buy him some fish bones. ** Hope that I won't be too lazy and tired tomorrow. **