Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I found that there are some people they are just too proud…
Proud is a very unfriendly word to me….
Why I said they are proud….
When they first came without any knowledge or rather new in everything…
Whatever you teach them they learn… after learning (Only basic) they will start to act like they are expertise…..
A little knowledge to them like so much till they can act like that??
They will try to find out more information from you and they will continue to act smart….
To me I find that if you know only this “little” information don't act like a expertise in front of those people who work in the same trade for years!!
Simply don't like these kind of people a lot… because once you taught them all the things, they will forget that they were once learning under you.
But when the first time you get close to them you won’t know what kind of person they are…
I can only say that “日久见人心”……………

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